Details about Mobile Optimized Online Poker Pursuit
If you are an online poker fan, you have probably tried you hand at poker pursuit. One of the biggest advantages of playing online casinos games is having the ability to try out any game no matter how complicated it may be. This means that players can try out games like poker pursuit before swapping over to playing for real money. With more and more people accessing casino games via their smartphones or mobile devices, mobile casinos are on the rise. Today mobile online casino poker pursuit is one of the fastest growing mobile casino games on the internet. In the notes below we are going to explain how you can play poker pursuit on your mobile and start winning some decent money.
Getting Started
If you are new to the game, the first thing you have to know about mobile online casino poker pursuit is that it is basically standard video poker with a twist. Unlike standard video poker, in poker pursuit, you are only dealt three cards to begin with. To start the game, players place their initial bet by clicking on the plus or minus buttons. Once you bet has been placed, you can click on the deal button which will deal your first set of 3 cards. After examining your three cards, you have to option to call or to raise. After raising or calling, the computer will deal you a fourth card.
Betting in Mobile Poker Pursuit
In mobile online casino poker pursuit, after the fourth card is dealt, you have the opportunity to raise again or to call. Once you have chosen, the final card will be dealt. If you have a winning poker hand, you will be paid out according to the Payout table. The amount of the winning payout is determined by how good your hand is, multiplied by how many coins you bet. In general a winning hand in Poker pursuit is a pair of tens or better. The highest payout is for a royal flush, which pays out at a rate of 1,000 to 1. If you are new to the casino game, it is best to start playing for free until you understand the basics of the game. Once you understand how the game works, you can swap over to playing for real money at any time.
Mobile Poker Pursuit Pay-outs
In mobile online casino poker pursuit, the following hands are ranked from highest to lowest: A Royal Flush, a straight Flush, Four of a Kind, A Full House, A flush, A Straight, Three of a Kind, Two pair, and one pair. Players may use any combination of cards in order to obtain the best hand. If you do not achieve any of these hands, you will lose your bet. It is important to note that there are many variations of the game out there, each with their own set of rules. In mobile online casino poker pursuit, standard betting strategies apply. The best thing to do is raise big when you have a strong hand and call when you are unsure of your hand or have started with a week hand.